Patricia Adjei
Patricia is a Wuthathi, Mabuiag Islander and Ghanaian woman from Sydney, Australia. Patricia has Bachelors of Arts and Law from UNSW. She currently works at the Australia Council for the Arts as the First Nations arts and culture director. She previously worked at the Copyright Agency l Viscopy as the Indigenous engagement manager. She is a 2018 Churchill fellowship recipient, investigating the practical application of laws in the USA and Panama that protect Indigenous cultural rights.
She served on the City of Sydney, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisory panel and has been a Board member of the Contemporary Pacific Arts Festival and the Moogahlin Performing Arts Board.
In 2010, Patricia worked at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva as the 2010 Indigenous Intellectual Property Law Fellow. This position provided valuable insight into the traditional knowledge division’s work that is being done as the Secretariat for the international normative process on the draft international instruments on Traditional knowledge. Patricia has also worked as a lawyer at the Arts Law Centre of Australia and National Indigenous TV. She is also a published author, and has also written several articles and a chapter on Indigenous cultural intellectual property rights.